Thursday 31 December 2020

The Letters #8

This year has been a challenging one, not only in physical terms, but mental as well! I dare say, no one would see it coming, reshuffled the entire economic and business landscapes, and most importantly, shifted our awareness back to the importance of health, or more precisely, immune system. I have lots of plans for 2020, but MCO since 18th March had changed everything. I’m grateful that I’m with a team of people who embrace changes! I know lots of businesses been affected badly, though I can’t say that we were still able to carry out our initial plans without any obstacles, at least we could still survive and navigate through it successfully. I’m not sure how people train for mental strength but I guess, if you want something very badly, you would find ways to withstand the pressures and strive through it. So yeah, people and environment around us matter too. Anyway, let’s not get carried away, here comes my annual routine: