Friday 21 August 2015

Give and Take

*Taking a deep breath*~~~

Ok. Now, there are so many things in my head now that I just wanna somehow digest it properly by writing down word by word and see how it flows. Or else, I don't think I would reach any conclusion in any time soon because everything seems to be linked with everything else......

Hmm.. It has been few weeks now that I started working (only few close friends know about it). First of all, something about me: "I like to keep a low profile". That's why not much people know about my recent encounters and this has made me realize how shy I am. I have always thought that since I can really be who I am around my close friends, talk and chat non-stop and have no difficulties in making new friends (not close friends), I couldn't possibly be in the "introvert" category. However, when someone started questioning about my self-confidence, I begin to question myself for the same thing as well......

** On a separate note: I stumbled upon an article titled "23 Signs You're Secretly An Introvert" and found out that I hit 10 out of 23 items on that list.. Hmmm.. **

Anyway, there is this person who keeps on saying that I should brush up some interpersonal skills and learn to behave myself in a more professional way, which, I think he has a point. Working world is all about being professional, trustworthy and efficient. And all the other values as well of course, which the company deems fit to their corporate vision and culture. The way I communicate with people has really sold me out with the fact that I'm in lack of the mentioned skill-sets. Mr L has always worried about me because he feels that I'm a person who could easily follow the flow, which in Chinese we call that "soft ears" (direct translate). *BTW Mr L, I'm sorry that I have yet to sign up for yoga class. I'm still in the transition phase trying to adjust to my new lifestyle. I have made a self-note to join after I get the hang of it though. No worries ^^

In my point of view (I'm not trying to defend myself here okay), it's just a matter of filtering and accepting "advices". I once read an article on "Learn, Unlearn & Relearn" and I had really influenced by it so much. Maybe that's the reason why sometimes I feel like determined to do what I want but in the eyes of others, I'm just a person who doesn't stand firm on my ground. Not that I care so much about the way people perceive me. It's just that,  if it creates obstacles along the path to achieving my dreams, then I kinda hope to totally change their way of perceiving me. The problem now is, do I need to change the way I behave myself then? Logically speaking, I think the answer is "yes". 

This's where the title "Give and Take" comes in. If I want people to see me as a professional being, then I need to change the way I present myself, handshakes, body languages, eye contacts, tone of voice, and most importantly, confidence. Though I have some working experience, but people always thought that I'm a fresh grade, which I reckon, was judged based on my body languages rather than my physics. 

Confidence comes from knowledge. I know I still have a lot to learn, especially now that I've joined an IT firm. Getting familiarized with all the "alien" languages had kinda put me into a hard time. Not to mention the location of the workplace, which is more than one hour with "normal traffic jam", and it could take up to 3 hours during "peak traffic jam" (please take note of the existence of different type of jams). I have to get up at 5 in the morning but leaving the office at around 7 the earliest, sometimes could be until 8 or 9 at night. (Some of the IT guys are even worse!) Though the salary and allowance are relatively higher than my previous job, does it mean that I need to be a slave to money?

I have always been thinking about money- and life-related issues ever since I joined the work force around 2 years ago, and even long before that. I have been asking myself what's my passion? How do I want to live my life? From the day I realized I have profound interest in finance and investment, I started losing interest looking for jobs which are not related to this industry. However, things happened when you least expected it. The more I try to filter out those industries, the more I received calls from them and eventually landed a job in an IT firm. As time passes (though it was only a mere few weeks), I find myself don't really belong to that environment. When things go wrong, programmers/developers are the ones figuring out what went wrong, how and why etc, They are the solutions provider. But me? There's nothing much I could do to help out, and that somehow makes me feel like I'm a useless being ~~~

I'm not here to spread negative energy though, just hoping to clear some thoughts. What does "earn a living" really mean when you can't live the life you want with the money you earn? I had to miss my investment talk just because my boss didn't allow me to go back on time (note: on time, not that I wanted to leave earlier than my working hours okay). I had to literally sacrifice my interest in the face of money. I've committed myself for the job, and I should be responsible for my actions, I totally understand that, we are now adults after all. But, does that mean that work has higher priority than our personal interest? Is it because of what they pay us that it bought our time over, and eventually our lives as well? Does it mean that interest should come secondary to income-generating jobs which you might not like it the least? Is this where the "Give and Take" comes in again? You thought you are just temporarily setting your interest aside and focusing on earning money until one day, you woke up in the bed and realize, you have somehow or rather given in to the merciless reality without knowing that you have long lost the passion to pursue what you love. Or better still, you have not even found your passion yet 'cause you live all your life as an income-generating machine with no time for yourself and your loved ones?

I remember telling myself that I don't want to be like one of them who just "camp" at the office and rarely spend time with family or do things they like. (I kinda started to foresee that I would soon become one of them though :/ ) Unless you are saying that you like to camp at the office then it's another story lar.. Even during weekend, when I wake up in the morning and open my Whatsapp, I will see messages received from the project groups which were sent in the midnight, some were around 3-4 in the morning. I was like, don't you guys need to sleep or rest or something? I know how hard it is to earn a living in today's world, not just because my dad looks down on me saying that, I'll never afford myself a SOHO, let alone a landed house. It's because I have experienced it myself. The more you earn, the heavier your shoulders are, the more sh*ts you need to clean up. But you can't just quit the job and you have to bear with the sh*ts and all because you have too much financial commitments, house, cars, family, children etc..

You might say that, "No pain no gain" mar.. True, but is this the efficient way? That's why I have eventually developed my interest in finance, especially after being exposed to banking line in my previous job. I know it deep down in my heart that, there is another way, there MUST be some other ways. Which is why I'm currently taking a part time course and actively attending seminars and conferences on investment opportunities and wealth management. I have known people from this line and thanks to them, it contributes a lot to my learning curve.

It's never easy, of course. But if "pain" means selling yourself to the firm as a slave, and put your money into savings (0.2% p.a.?) or FD (4% p.a.?), which is what most of the people I know are doing, then I think that's an "ignorant pain". Knowing little to none about how to leverage your money against inflation (3%? 7%?) and currency depreciation (8-10%?) is a "double ignorant pain". On the other hand, having to cut down my sleep, suffer from the forever-jam traffic, squeeze my brain juice out for work, attend workshops at night and study over the weekend, all these are what I call them the "knowledge-inflicted pain". If a certain level of "knowledge-inflicted pain" could fairly eliminate your "double ignorant pain", and achieve financial freedom sooner, don't you think it's worth it?

It's all about "Give and Take", again. To me, the answer is yes. I have always been curious as to how people live their life to the fullest, but now I think I'm experiencing it myself. I have literally no time to watch drama or read novels the way it used to be back then. Even a normal blog update like this took me few days to draft it. Is it because my time management skills suck? But I remember I managed it quite well during my final year in Uni. Is it something wrong with me? I have now realized how I used to take my free time for granted back then. 'Cause now, even listening to a 3-minute song with my eyes closed and my mind free, it's a generous luxury to me.

I didn't even manage to meet up with my close friends to hangout during weekend. I feel so bad that I keep postponing our meetups for my own agenda. Some of you might think that I'm a selfish person, which is fine 'cause I'm not here to discuss about the selfish issue. I just keep on telling myself that, I'll apply whatever I've learned throughout the course and help them with their financial planning. That's the least I could do to repay them for putting up with me throughout the length of time. I'll start with people around me and do what I can to help them, and I hope to reach out to more people in times to come.

This quote is very motivating,
especially if you have read about what she has been through life.
It is very healthy to read these type of books, not just to get motivated, but to be inspired as well. I hope I could be like them (they are super duper positive people!!), sharing their life experience with the world and help people in need. I know I might not reach there, but I'm hoping to share what I learn from the modules as well as seminars and conferences, with people around me. I will reveal a bit more about it in another tab under my blog. My only fear is that, I might forget my ultimate goal throughout the stage of "doing what I have to do" that, I somehow or rather fail to achieve my dream to "do what I want to do". I know the journey won't be an easy one thus, I'm seriously in need of positive support and determination wey!!

Anyway, as for know, I just wanna express how grateful I am of my life. Though there are people who do not know me well and misjudge me some ways or the other, I still have some close friends who understand me and bear with me (you know who you are! ^^). There are too much things to sacrifice in order to reach where I want, but I hope that our friendships are not on that list!

Come, let us GANBATTE together for a better future !! 


  1. Im halfway through Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant haha but i already think investing is the only way to achieve a life without the need to work. I guess u would wan to be in the "I' quadrant? Correct me if im wrong haha. I'm still thinking which quadrant suits me.

    I dont know why u decided to work in IT company. Maybe you could learn something useful for ur journey to financial freedom, but sounds like its draining ur energy a lot, no? Do u still have enough energy left to pursue ur dream?

    Anyway jiayou in learning about investment! Hoping to learn from you in the future! hahaha!

    1. fuyuh! do u mind refresh my memory bout tat book? i read that like yearsss ago.. haha
      ya, u r rite.. my aim is to reach I-quadrant.. so nid to start now.. little bit by little bit
      hmm.. mayb bcz of d salary ba.. though i feel i kinda cheapo in a way, my dad kept on saying, now eco so bad, ppl want job no job, u hv job still so choosy ar? tats y i took it? lol
      its really sleep-depriving though.. super far !!
      eh, dont demotivate me leh.. so far im doing fine.. jz nid to work on some more on my time management XD
      sure no prob! find one day can share w u little bit.. cz im stil not pro, canot simply simply ask ppl buy this buy that.. share little bit still can geh :)

  2. i believe everyone have a different time management , until today no matter how we arrange on timing on management there is always have difficulty to faces all this. As now u and me same position get to know new environment but some how challenge is always is waiting for us . The only things we should know is what are the things is the most important things need to be fulfill in your life . Example : mine is all this while believe as long i handwork enough i would gain extra as long i motivate and willing to learned new things but sometimes things is comes different what we need to do is how to deal with it. Now my age i finally know that i miss out many experiences which i can really grab it since young time , however time past and have to looking forward what ever it comes .
    My now biggest challenge is involve many party such my job , my partners , my family and etc .... but never stopped in comfort zone . The only things i learned like you said give and take . Some we young we chase what we want in life but remember don't regret what you choose if follow the rest of your life. My life pass youth time , the only time is gain realistic life time ,busy what we need , find a better to comfort ourselves and tried grab as many as much opportunities can help build up a prefect life that i dream before.

    i believe all my friends i know ,you the one i feel the most mature mind set and ambitious , please remember no matter how don't yourself what you want to be. Don't give up easily . cheers my friend .....gambateh !!!
