Saturday 3 August 2013

I Miss You

Before you think of something else, this is not a post which I wish to dedicate to a particular person, alright? Frankly speaking, if you were to ask me, what have I been doing after my finals, I would answer it with one word, "drama". Haha. Seriously, though it wasn't the first thing I did right after my finals, its usually a MUST on my to-do-list for every semester break. The Korean name is actually 보고싶다. AND, I finished this 21-episode drama in only two days, okay? *kind of proud XD* Before I go further, forgive me if I start writing Mandarin in this post. My English is, after all, not as good as my mother tongue, my apologies. Wait, not that my Mandarin is superb, okay? Its just that, hmm, you know, you feel more like yourself when you speak your mother tongue, don't you think so? Anyway, please watch this video first, then, I'll tell you why I adore Yoo Seung-Ho!!
This is a video with Chinese subtitle.
(Note: the scenes are not in order.)

May I ask what do you think of this video? What was your first reaction/response after watching this video? I see tears, anger, disappointment, happiness and love. Mostly tears, I would say. Mind you, this is not really a romantic drama, nor is it a comedy (c'mon, obviously!). 

A family dispute over a huge sum of heritage between Kang Hyung-joon (姜亨俊)'s mother and Han Jung-woo (韩正宇)'s father, is the reason behind their childhood tragedy. Lee Soo-yeon (李秀妍), a daughter of a series killer, who was discriminated by her schoolmates, made friend with Han Jung-woo (both of them were 15). The day when he was kidnapped in accordance to Kang Hyung-joon's mother's order, Lee Soo-yeon followed along with an intention to help but ended up being raped instead. Han Jung-woo, who was too petrified with what he saw, ran away and abandoned her. With the authority announcing her death, Han Jung-woo couldn't accept the "truth" thus got him into being haunted with guilt ever since.

Lee Soo-yeon, with all the strength she had, escaped from the warehouse where the kidnappers stored them. Kang Hyung-joon, 12-year-old, who was on his way to escape from being hunted down by Han Jung-woo's father (in retaliation to Kang Hyung-joon's mother's order), bumped into Lee Soo-yeon on the road and decided to save her. Both of them, with a guardian entrusted by Kang Hyung-joon's mother, left for Paris. The first five episodes of the drama, describing their childhood has been summed up in the following video.
At 4:01, Han Jung-woo was kidnapped.

Story resumes 14 years later. Han Jung-woo is now a homicide detective who is determined to look for Lee Soo-yeon, whom he believes is still alive; Lee Soo-yeon, is now leading a life as Zoe, a rockie fashion designer; Kang Hyung-joon, on the other hand, is now leading a life as Harry Borrison, rich with the money his mother took from the Han's family, returns to Korea with an intention to revenge on Han Jung-woo's father for murdering his mother. Watch the video below attentively, and tell me, what do you think of his acting skills.
Noticed at 1:45 and towards the end?

Forgive me, but I really have to say this in Mandarin, 他们真的很会哭、很能哭!! It basically means, erm, let's just say, their acting skills are too good that, they really acted with their feelings and emotions to be able to CRY!! Almost every episode, there are cry scenes, seriously! And before that, just curious, what do you think of this guy named Harry Borrison (the guy with "mushroom" hair)? I'm sure most of you know the name of the actress who acts as Lee Soo-yeon, ya, she is Yoon Eun-hye! She is 28 this year, what do you think is the age of the actor who acts as Harry Borrison? Ya, he looks young, but do you have any idea how old is he??

He is ONLY 20 this year!!
(Birthdate: 17th Aug 1993)

Okay, I admit, I'm amazed by his acting skills after seeing him cried for few episodes. I couldn't resist my hunger to know him more and thus I google-ed him. He made his first drama debut when he was 7 and his first film debut when he was 9. Can you imagine how many years of acting experience he has? Quoted from Wiki:
AND, he has won quite a lot of awards too, okay? His journey in the entertainment industry ain't just a mere product of his adorable face, alright? 除了他的脸蛋,更重要的是他精湛的演技!能够如此剥夺人心的,可能还是因为他所演的角色,都很让人心疼吧? Some of you may even argue that, there are way too many talented actors/actresses out there like him, what's the big deal about him? Well, I didn't say its a BIG deal, but its definitely not a SMALL deal either! :p

In the drama, he is way mature than he appears to be. When Yoon Eun-hye was asked about her view on Yoo Seung-Ho, she said his acting skills are highly remarkable. She was stunned when a photo taken 6 years ago was exposed, whereby she attended an award presentation for her nomination "The Vineyard Man", and he attended the event as a "child star". She then felt awkward shooting this drama because of the age gap, 9 years, for goodness sake! However, the awkwardness faded away as soon as Yoo Seung-Ho performs professionally and acted according to the script and orders given by the director, as in the feelings and emotions of Harry in that particular scenes. But, REALLY, a person ages 20 acts as a character ages 26? I would say, I salute him! ❤
One of my favourite episodes from the drama, 
where everything is just pure PERFECT!

I really hope to be able to share more with you all, but if you are really interested to know more about the drama (despite of the fact that you may have no idea what those videos are talking about due to the absence of the subtitle), its either you google it (which is not quite a wise move), or download and WATCH it!! 
This video has the trailer FEEL.. Haha..

One more thing I like about him, ya, probably part of his acting skills, is his eyes. He has a pair of saddening eyes, with those eyes, he has to convey messages of how he felt like with a combination of several facial expressions. He has to use those eyes of his, to show excitement, happiness, content, confidence, sadness, grief, desperation, insecurity, despair, anger, jealousy, fear, hatred, conscience, and maybe insanity? Have you noticed how he looks like when he is contemplating on something? How he scrutinizes into one's eyes? How he trembles when he groaned or cried his lungs out?  Its seriously very heart-brokening to see him a forlorn figure at times, left aside like a rag doll and not cared about no matter how much he has done for the girl he loves. Anyway, though the video below doesn't really show all of the above, I do like how the editor arranged the photos/mini-clips in the pace of the music. :)
One of my favourite :)

On a separate note, his outfit in the drama is more or less the same as Ciel Phantomhive in the anime Kuroshitsuji, in the sense that, both of them look good on a knee-length coat, not to mention, both own a walking stick. I've print-screened some of his photos and made this:
I like his outfits in the drama sooo much!
Below are some of the photos that I managed to google *proud of myself*.. haha
P/S Majority of these are from, you may want to visit this link for more: Yoo Seung-Ho.




A BAD news here (or at least to me, it really is), he is currently off to fulfill his "destiny" as a full-time active-duty soldier for 21 months started April this year, quoted from Wiki, "he wishes to serve his duty as a regular soldier, not as an 'entertainment soldier' and is not planning on applying to the Defense Media Agency of the Ministry of National Defense." You know what? Quoted from kpopstarz, "The South Korea's 27th Division Recruitment Training Department reported Thursday that the 19-year-old actor was promoted to the rank of assistant instructor." *Awww.. So proud of him!!❤* "Yoo will conclude his military enlistment in December of 2014." *Awww, can't wait to see him again!!* Rest assured, you will be missed dearly, my Prince Harry! *shy* However, we shouldn't be sad I think, look at the bright side, his "kid-image" will then be replaced by a "MAN-image" after he returns, more mature and of course, more handsome looking. Haha.

~You may refer to this link on kpopstarz: Yoo Seung Ho Rises Through The Ranks In South Korean Army: 'I Miss You' Actor Promoted To Assistant Instructor Of Recruitment Training

Photos of him in the army suit:
His solder look in "Operation Proposal".
His "real life" solder bald?
Ah, not bad looking too eh? :)
Signing off with one of his portraits, which I'll be looking at it everyday to survive for this 2 years? LOL
He looks innocent right? XD
'Till next post, cheers :D
P/S I still can't believe he is only 20!! *drooling* :p


  1. =.= omg younger than us eh. i guess the stylists were also successful in making him looked like a 26 year-old huh

    1. exactly!! when i watched another drama frm him, "operation proposal" which was aired in d same year (2012), he still looked lik teenager noe? bt in this drama, fuyoh! super yaoyeng! wait, did u watch all d videos i shared here ah?

    2. of coz no lah... u tot i very free ah lol
