Thursday 30 June 2016

Singapore 3D2N: Merlion Park

How could one miss Merlion Park when visiting Singapore, right? It's one of the major tourist attractions which symbolises what "Singa" means in Malay - Lion. One thing about Merlion Park though, is that, it's not located directly outside the MRT station. Hence, some walks along the river bank are required. There are stalls selling ice-cream and cold drinks along the way too, so no worries if you were to encounter hot weather haha...

Direction to Merlion Park:

1. Disembark at Raffles Place Station, Exit H (Directory below for your reference):

2. Once you are out from Exit H, turn right into Bonham street, and head to the direction of Maybank, and you would see this bridge:

Photo taken at Cavenagh Bridge.
That white bridge over there is Anderson Bridge.

3. Once you are near Anderson Bridge, turn right and walk alongside the road follow the red arrow in the photo shown below:

There are usually quite a lot of vacation busses stopping by.

4. You should be able to see this when walking down this tranche of road:

5. Once you reach the main road, head left and cross the road (Please obey the traffic light ya).

Follow the red arrow, go down and use the underpass to the right side of the place.

5, Then, you will be welcomed with this view:

There you go, the Merlion statue is just on the right:

So hard to wait for a clear spot for this shot.
But apparently, you can't ask for too much when it's a famous tourist spot.
*Please just ignore the aunty behind LOL*

Hoho, SG50 jubilee :D

Ending my post here. Stay tuned for more!
* In case you have not read about our Singapore 3D2N itinerary, please click here :D

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Singapore 3D2N: 1983 Cafe Nanyang

Our flight was around 7am, which means, we needed to arrive around 5am for check-in and some turn-around time just in case of emergency. That's why we didn't have proper breakfast, just some light food to fill our stomach. When we arrived at Changi, the first thing that crossed our mind was,  FOOOOOOD ~~~~

There was where we came across a restaurant called 1983, located just right outside the arrival hall in Terminal 2. The shop looks simple, and crowded and they serve local food at reasonable price!! 

Photo taken just right after the ramp heading out from the customs.

It was full house by the time our food arrived.
I really love their interior design~

Can you see how long the queue was? (Not to mention, I have cropped a few more out)
Luckily we arrived at a perfect timing~

Photo taken from our place.
Love their interior design, simple and nice :)

Nasi Lemak, SGD5.50.

Curry chicken with rice, SGD5.90.
The drumstick was larger than our local KFC drumstick!

Fish balls noodles, SGD4.50.

Here's their menu.
So worthy right? :D

Nice food, low price, right portion, super satisfying stomach! What a way to start a day XD
Stay tuned for more!
* In case you have not read about our Singapore 3D2N itinerary, please click here :D

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Singapore 3D2N: Itinerary

Had this trip back around Chinese New Year but have been quite occupied to really have time to share about it here. Anyway, we didn't go to Universal Studio because my dad is not a fan for theme park. I'm cool with it though, because I already went with my jimui two or three years ago haha... So yeah, if you are looking for other things to do beside killing time in Universal Studio Singapore, then this post is meant for you! XD

Seoul 6D5N: 多味粥专卖店

It was already our last day in Seoul, time does fly! We decided to have early breakfast before packing our luggage and heading to the airport. There is this shop located in Myeong-dong recommended by my jimui's Travel Guide Book, which sells all sorts of porridge, dumplings and tea.

From the photo, you are able to see
Innisfree on the left, and on the right, it is The Face Shop.

The shop is located underground. 

This was the crowd at 7 o'clock in the morning!

Those are feedbacks, recommendations and compliments from past customers,
all over the wall and the ceilings!

The porridges are made upon order, so its super fresh!

They are selling ready-made kimchi too~~~

Photo taken from our place.
Hand-written testimonials are all over the place~~

This was the dumplings that we ordered.

The dumplings were super huge and juicy!!

How 'bout porridge? My apologies that I forgot to take any of it, was too famished that I straight savoured it already LOL... The porridge was nothing like the ones that I had so far, a very satisfying meal indeed! :D

Here's a glance of what we ordered.
The price was quite reasonable~

That's all for this entry. Would probably write about what I've bought from Korea (cosmetics and snacks) if I've got the time lol

Have a great day ahead aite!
* In case you have not read about our itinerary, please click here :D