Friday 13 November 2015

Seoul 6D5N: Myeong-dong (明洞)

Direction to Myeong-dong from Insa-dong (仁寺洞):

  1. Embark on Line 3 at Anguk (安国) Station (refer figure 1) to the direction of Jongno 3(sam)-ga to Chungmuro (忠武路) Station;
  2. Transfer to Line 4 to the direction of Myeong-dong (明洞) Station.
Exit 5 of Anguk Station.

We didn't go straight to Myeong-dong lar, our legs were aching like hell. Went back to our Namsan Guest house to have some rest then around dinner time only we headed out to Myeong-dong. It's just right across the street. Btw, remember to take note of where did you enter the Myeong-dong streets, because we nearly got lost and wouldn't be able to get the way out had I not taken photos and videos along the way! Seriously, those streets intersecting one another with all mouth-watering food and tempting cosmetic promotion/packages were making us losing our mind!! There are 4-5 outlets of respective BIG Brands in Myeong-dong alone, eg Etude House, Innisfree, Nature Republic, The Face Shop, Tony Moly and the list goes on! So yeah, don't make these shops your "landmark" please...

See the red circle over there? We practically used "Nine Tree" as a land mark ever since!

Didn't manage to take much photos on the food though, cause I was busy catching up my Jimui's footsteps!! She was super duper excited with all the cosmetic shops and showed her true colour of how vulnerable she is when it comes to cosmetic stuffs!! 

Oh well, let's not just talk about shopping. Though I didn't manage to snap much photos on all the street food available there, managed to find some from Google lar.. LOL

Just like our Pasar Malam.. haha..

Photos aside, actually I managed to record a whole deal of videos lar with those street food, the people, the atmosphere and all... Will plug it in here when I have time to edit lar ya XD

There are few shops that I heard quite famous:
It's just like our S&J or Memory Land~~~

That's all for now, stay tuned for next post :D
* In case you have not read about our Seoul 6D5N itinerary, please click here :D

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Seoul 6D5N: Insa-dong (仁寺洞)

Direction to Insa-dong (仁寺洞) from The National Folk Museum:
  1. Just go back to where we came from, the opposite of the Museum, and turn left without the need to cross the road back to the Museum again. Walk along the road side for approximately 15-20 minutes. 
  2. A long the way, you would see this piece of display from their architecture engineering school (refer figure 1).
  3. Basically, just walk all the way straight until you reach a rather big junction displaying a huge brush (refer figure 2).
  4. Next to it, is the entrance to Insa-dong (refer figure 3).

Figure 1: I don't know what it is but quite artistic lar to me

Figure 2: It reminds me of the time when I learnt Chinese Calligraphy :D

Figure 3: Can see the red arrow? That is Insa-dong.
Btw, that's one of the Korean grocery chain stores over there, GS25.

These 2 rows of shops all the way to the end of this street is Insa-dong,
the place I spent most in Day 2!

There are a lot of typical souvenirs such as magnets, nail cutter, key chains, bookmarks, accessories, painting, traditional paper fan etc etc!! There are shops which sell the same thing but at different price, the point is not to negotiate, but to survey few shops before you buy. Basically, I've got everything I needed from the first few shops, the rest of the streets was just "window shopping". They don't give discount so no point nego. Anyway, there is this place where it looks alike a mini open shopping mall where the tenants are selling all the artistic and creative stuffs. Oh well, art comes with a price, so you can imagine the pricing of the goods selling there lar har...

If not mistaken, the name of the place is called Samziegil?

There are countless of cute and adorable and artistic stuffs ok? But Imma gonna show some here only ya XD

I don't think guys would fancy these kind of stuffs? But still I like them~~~

All these hair-bands made me so itchy hand know??
If I had bought it, it would be for collection purpose lar of course, wont wear it out lar.. lol

How could I miss out defocus shot right?

Korean version of angry bird?? XD

Walk all the way to the end of the street until you see this shop at the cross-junction, then turn left.
Oh well, not necessary have to turn left lar, we did because wanted to explore the other side of Insa-dong. You might as well walk back the same street to where you come from. As for us, we turned left and exited at another side.

This hat stall is actually right opposite the Tea and Coffee shop. *Itchy hand again*
The other tranche of the streets over this side are all full with galleries selling art pieces.

At the end of the street, you would reach the main road, turn left again (ya, we basically wanted to go back to the place where we came from because we are rather in lack of sense of direction.. LOL..) So yeah, please have a map with you!

Korean BBQ is literally everywhere ~~~

See? We managed to reached back to where we were.
Photo taken from the point we left Samcheong-dong on the way heading to Insa-dong.

I guess that's all for Insa-dong. It's basically a place tailored to suit your needs buying souvenirs for family and friends. I'm not saying you can't find souvenir else where, I'm just saying the price here is more reasonable to me. Oh wait, though it seemed like the case, I spent KRW 43,000 in Insa-dong alone!! Will share what exactly have I bought from Korea in another post, haha..

Stay tuned for more :D
* In case you have not read about our Seoul 6D5N itinerary, please click here :D