Monday 27 April 2015

Forever 21 #2

So, we decided to spend time at Sunway Pyramid this year again. As if we had no other option. LOL..

Anyway, I was not the one who was late this time, my jimui was. While awaiting for her arrival, I had breakfast as I was too famished to wait for her to join me. After she arrived and had her lunch, we had a casual stroll focusing more on facial products. We then decided to spend the afternoon in Library. :)

My jimui's Cappuccino
My jimui's Tiramisu Crepe, recommended by me, RM12.26 :p
My Caramel Latte, RM12.26
Bananatella Waffle, RM12.26. NICE!
We then spent time there doing our research for our upcoming Korea trip. We searched hotels and home stays via Agoda, as well as reading up some blogs for recommendations. After few hours, we had finally made the reservation and off we went "jalan-jalan" again XD

Actually we wanted to buy those cosmetics and skin care products, but then, come to think of our Korea trip, my jimui said its better to endure the temptation to buy them here as we would get it at much cheaper price from Korea. She even planned to buy stocks which could last her 3 years! LOL

We then went to Popular and I bought a novel there. It was when that time my jimui received WeChat from one of the waiters serving us just now from Library. Err.. He sounded a bit weird though. We didn't really pay much attention to him initially and moving on to have some fruit juice and continue our catching up. Only then, we noticed that the conversation was heading to a ridiculously wrong direction. I told my jimui to just block him off but she felt that it was rude to do so. However, she did it after a few days of nuisance receiving annoying messages from that guy. Fuh, my jimui's market value higher than me wey! LOL

Left: Zesty Melon (R) RM8.95 *NICE!!
Right: Caribbean Cocktail (L) RM9.95 
Since we were both not very hungry, we went to Sushi King for some light dinner.
Share-share :)
Then, we kinda reluctant to leave lar.. Because it was a Sunday and my jimui felt "blue" the instance she thought of needing to work the next day.. However, I'm glad that she managed to clear off her schedule and spent a whole day with me. Awww..

My birthday gift ^^
Yes, we have been celebrating our birthdays together since high school. And yes, we have finally made the reservation for our Korea trip. And yes yes, I will forever treasure our jimui-ship! ❤❤

You will always be my dearest jimui ❤❤
'Till next post, cheers :)

Monday 20 April 2015

MY Zalora Experience

First of all, this is not my first time having done some online shopping via Zalora. I bought few dresses before. The reason why I would wanna shop via Zalora again is, of course the quality, and secondly, convenience. It left me a good impression as I had always thought that online shopping was not reliable, and worried about the trouble of return/refund should I received defective products. Hence, since I had good experience in the past, I logged in and searched for some attractive piece of accessories as birthday present. Yup, me and my jimui are having birthdays in the same month, only few days apart. Seeing that I've been bogged down with work of late, really hoped to get something for her in the simplest way possible instead of visiting brick-and-mortar stores in shopping malls.

I placed an order on Sunday, and received a delivery call on Tuesday, efficient right? However, due to my absence at the office, they said would drop by the next day, and they really did. It's speedy! See below the un-boxing of the parcel XD

1. The Parcel.
2. A Thank You envelop was the first thing I saw when I opened the box up.
3. When I sneaked in, there was this air-bag protecting the bubble-bag in it, which was protecting my bracelet (due diligence).
4. Then, I moved on to the envelop, which enclosed the return slip and PosLaju slip (just in case you got the defective product, there are instructions there. Thus, don't get panic.) Then, there are the discount vouchers!! ❤❤
5. My bracelets!! :D

However, when I had a close look, the emerald green bracelet had this dented black spot! :/ ðŸ˜¢

Since it was quite late at night after I reached home from work on Wednesday and noticed this, I called to the customer care line the next day noon, and was told to email them a photo of the defective product for further actions. They promised that I would get a response within 24 hours and they did (only after few hours, along with a satisfactory apology token). I was impressed by the speed they replied me as I've read a lot of bad customer service reviews of Zalora which take days or even weeks to get back to customers. Hence, I replied the email and opt for an exchange for the bracelet. The next day, which was Friday, I received a SMS notification that the exchange has been processed. When I got back home, I tried the live chat for further confirmation.

The response from the live chat was prompt (refer the time-log).
The way they handle customers' complaint is really efficient, I would say..
At the end of the chat, please feel free to rate the service received.
You may type your comment too for their future improvement, I hope?
You may always click the "envelop" icon and the system will auto-generate the
chat history (with the time-log) to your email address. Just in case you'd wanna feel safe
and have some proofs of the content of the chat which has been communicated.
And guess what? They really live up to expectation! The replacement arrived on Tuesday. Another thing I like about Zalora, its not only because of the efficient service. They are compassionate as well. They didn't demand me to deliver back the defective goods for inspection or recording purposes or whatever-shit-not. Receiving defective goods is already (i) very disappointing; (ii) might feel being cheated; (iii) causing inconvenience; especially when the product(s) ordered is/are meant for special occasion, eg: my case. It was intended as a birthday gift for my jimui. That's the reason why I was rather pushy when things went wrong. I didn't want any plan to get affected. :/

Our JIMUI Bracelets :)
All in all, I'm very satisfied with the service provided. I'd strongly recommend ZALORA to anyone who would like to purchase quality products without any hassle and have a piece of mind if, *touch wood*, for example, you got defective goods. As for my experience for this particular piece of accessories, I hope that in the future, they'd provide wider range of sizes, because, it was quite loose for my jimui lar.. :/

So yeah, the above were some sharing on my shopping experience via Zalora. I know there had been numerous of negative reviews about Zalora (around 3 years ago), but it has now made some significant improvements. I'm sure Zalora has learnt from past experience and is doing their best to serve us better. Just give them one more chance, would you?

Have a great day ahead, my fellow readers. Happy shopping :)