Sunday 14 September 2014

Cafe Hunt #1

So, ZY has been wanted to go for a makan trip with me. Well, not much of a trip lar, just to explore nice food around the area. Seeing that I've been quite occupied of late, I left the research and itinerary planning to her, and.. She has made me proud!! Haha..

OOTD: Considered my first try in changing my dressing style.. Haha..

First Stop: COSANS Coffee

What I wanted to post to Insta but ended up didnt.. LOL..
Left: Choco Oreo Frappe (buy one and get 50% off for second cup)
Top Right: The environment of the cafe
Bottom Right: Banofee Pie, RM11.90  (nice, but too creamy for me)

Anyway, you may refer to the following links should you wish to know more about this cafe. This blogger writes good posts on food review :)

Second Stop: Coffee Chemistry Signature

We managed to locate the cafe thanks to ZY! Haha..

Well, the coffee we were holding was the Signature Rose Caramel Macchiatto (3D), RM14
Top Right: Spicy Chicken Herb Mushroom Pasta, RM17
Bottom Left: Beef Bacon Mushroom Carbonara, RM16
Here's a closer look onto the coffee art. Cute right??!
It's not just cute, the coffee tastes nice too.
Sorry for the poor photo quality though..
I'll definitely visit this cafe again! Hmm, not just for their 3D coffee art lar, its because their environment as well. It's so comfortable and they serve nice food too! Honestly, I felt so reluctant to leave that place the other day. Haha.. You may want to follow their FB page at: Coffee Chemistry Signature.

We were too stuffed with food that we decided to visit the bookstore before our next coffee and dessert consumption. We actually spent more than one hour in Popular discussing about books and dreams. Ya, dreams, because we saw a book with an attention-seeking title, "Would you still have your career after 5 years time?". And, I must say, I was brought to a moment of realization after I answered their questions and kinda found my "presumed" destiny. So yeah, ZY decided to buy that book and, well, let's see what she'd learn from it. Hehe..

Third Stop: Whisk

To be honest, both ZY and me thought it would be like the previous two cafes that we visited, but apparently, this cafe is relatively smaller in size, it's quite cozy too. It's located at LG-03A in Empire Shopping Gallery. And guess what we talked about this time. We talked about water filter! LOLOLOL.. Don't ask me how did it evolve to this topic, I didn't remember any details already. I just remember how much ZY enlightened me on how the machine cleans the water etc etc.. Haha.. Anyway, here goes some sample photos:
There ain't a lot of space for dine-in right?
The cake on the left is some kind of peanut cheese cake, not bad, I like it.
The one on the right, however, I find it too sweet for me lar...
The coffee, cappuccino if not mistaken, was not bad too :)
You may get more information from their FB: WHISK Espresso Bar + Bake Shop.


Yup, Fuh! First time visited 3 cafes in a row, not a bad experience, I would say. But... Spent quite a lot leh, lol.. Worth it though, especially at Coffee Chemistry Signature, their pasta not bad, I would like to try some other dishes too next time. Ah, it has been such a long time since my last outing with buddies ever since I started working. Ya, I realize, working makes me appreciate the time we hang out, even more. Hmm.. Let's see where shall we go next round then, shan't we, ZY? Hehe..

...Right Now...

Well, I've heard this song from for quite some time, and I think it kinda suited my current mood now. Or, at least my mood for the previous week. Not really much on the lyrics part though, it's basically the melody, I like the melody :))

Have a good day, peeps! We have public holiday again on this coming Tuesday! Hehe...

Tuesday 9 September 2014

All The Best!

So, they are flying off to UK. Who? One would be a friend of mine in Diabolo team, and the other would be my ex-roommie. The former one, Ah Ben was leaving on the day we celebrated Mooncake Festival (which was yesterday.. lol), and latter one, MY is leaving the week after. We had a round of pre-farewell already, but hmm.. Since that we attended an event together a couple of weeks back, we went for a final round of farewell before they fly off. Why?? To chit-chat and take photos lar! Ha..

We went to Avenue K and wanted to try Japanese food, but the menu wasn't really attractive and ended up eating Korean Food, at M.I.S.O. I can't remember what did we order, but the menu is kinda extensive :)

It was very filling!
We talked about life, my life, to be more specific, because I've been working and feeling quite demotivated kind of stuff. But then, we talked about something else too, especially the issue whereby UK might "leave" EU. This really attracted me a lot especially hearing them discussing on how this could affect the laws they have been studying and memorizing all the while, and they have to study everything all over again if that were to happen. Then I shared some of my two cents from the business and economy point of view (though I don't think they worth mentioning here because those were just sheer common sense). I like the fact that I chose Great Britain as my research subject for my Econs in my last semester, and they said, UK might become the way I like it to be back in the olden days, if they were to impose social status into the 21st century of England. So, the commons like us, would need to bow, or curtsy when we greet someone from higher ranking than us. Ah, there is a reason why I like novels with this kind of setting.. Hehe..

Anyway, I'm glad that both of you like the parting gifts from me. Ah Ben, you are so funny, and look so cute with my parting gift on your face.. LOL.. It's very kind of you to have sent me photos showing me your hostel room, and I must say, it definitely looks bigger and more comfortable than my INTI hostel room.. Haha.. Remember to upload photos you taken to FB k? ;) And MY, please.. Please remember to tell me what do you think about the novel, I'm soooo eager to know.. Hehe.. Hope you like it :)

All The Best and Ganbatte!
I'll save up money to go visit you all!! Haha..
Please do keep in touch ya, be it FB, Insta or Twitter.. I'll sure go stalk you two when I have time.. Haha.. You might feel home-sick, or a little awkward at first trying to fit in when you are there, but things will definitely get better. One year seems long but you'd realize how fast it passes when you are about to graduate, trust me. Please enjoy your life there on behalf of me too!! (I've longed to study overseas know? Ishh..)

Take care and please stay warm. I'll miss you two. We shall meet up again in one year time! :DD